COVID-19 Resources
Click here for Coronavirus-Anxiety-Workbook-1-min
Click here for Florida DOH COVID-19 Mental Health Guidance
Office Safety Precautions in Effect During COVID-19 Pandemic
As we navigate the COVID-19 pandemic together, your health, comfort, and safety remain my highest priority. If you wish to utilize telehealth, I will make this is available to you. Please note that depending on your insurance, coverage for telehealth services may be limited. I and all of the other therapists at the office will be adhering to the following important safety measures:
- In-person clients will need to sign a COVID-19 Informed Consent prior to the first in-person appointment. I will email you a link to your Client Portal so that you can review and electronically sign the informed consent.
- Clients will wait in their cars or outside, as long as they are practicing safe distancing from others until notified by their provider to enter the building after the previous client has left and areas have been sanitized. The waiting room will not be open at this time.
- Clients will sign the COVID-19 Screener Form and sanitize their hands upon entering the building.
- Individually packaged disposable surgical masks will be available upon entering the office building and are optional for your use. All of the therapists will be wearing masks in the common areas. I will only wear a mask during your session if you indicate it would make you more comfortable.
- The restroom will be kept locked and a key made available upon request. This is to ensure that we are aware when the restroom is used so that we can disinfect all surfaces in between uses.
- The restroom soap dispenser is maintained and everyone must wash their hands after using the restroom.
- The water cooler, coffee maker, and mints will not be available at this time. There are small individually sealed bottles of water available.
- Therapists will be adhering to the standard designated length of therapy sessions (45-50 minutes) in order to follow the cleaning protocol in between each client.
- Common areas and therapy offices are disinfected between appointments.
- All persons in the office will maintain safe distancing of at least 6-feet from one another.
- Hand sanitizers that contain at least 60% alcohol are available at the reception counter, in the therapy rooms, and in the bathroom.
- Credit card pads, pens, and other areas that are commonly touched are thoroughly sanitized after each use.
- Physical contact between persons is not permitted.
- Tissues and trash bins are easily accessed. Trash is disposed of on a frequent basis.
- Clients are asked to not attend in-person sessions if they have ANY signs of illness or have been knowingly exposed to someone who is ill or tested positive for COVID-19.
I and all of the therapists in our office are committed to making every effort to keep you, ourselves, and all of our families safe from the coronavirus. I look forward to continuing counseling services and appreciate your understanding and patience as we all adapt to these new circumstances.